Business Coaching


Whether you are a CEO struggling to build your vision into a culture that underlines and influences your entire workforce, or a brand new entrepreneur just starting out, the problems in business remain the same.

Business takes passion, vision and determination, I have created a bespoke coaching methodology to help you define a clear path, harness your purpose, and get you to your goals. My process leads you through the seven business pillars necessary to create a successful business culture and brand.



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The Business Edit


I am passionate about making leadership human whilst helping you transform your business and achieve new levels of freedom and success.

If you are a leader who cares to collaborate instead of command, values your people before profits and is ready to bring together diverse opinions, then I will bring the competitive advantage coaching skills of flexibility, disruption, and adaptability.



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 Off Grid  


Entrepreneurs who are looking to reboot and start again? If you are looking to boost inspiration, to find connection, define your culture and reconnect with remote teams? Then come join us on our next retreat.

You choose, a stunning backdrop of The Lake District, to take time out of your business or totally off the grid on a private island.

Join us for three days away from your business to work on your business. Workshops, team groups and individual sessions. Take advantage of these wonderful settings complete with outdoor adventures to boost your creativity, uplevel your business and inspire you to action.



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Business Retreat Feedback 


 "I travelled up to Jan's retreat in The Lake District feeling uncertain and very confused as to what direction I should be heading. Three days later I feel energised and confident with a clear path ahead of me! Thank you, Jan for an incredible journey, an amazing retreat with expert content professionally organised with a friendly feel and great fun!"

Susanna  CEO Boom Event Planners


B O O K  M Y  R E T R E A T  

Group dynamics offer a fresh perspective and are an impactful and effective way of investing in yourself and your business No matter how many business books you read, or TED Talks you watch, nothing can replace the value of face-to-face interactions with brilliant people. Sign up below for details on our next location.

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